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The Sky Is Ours

When I feel overwhelmed by destruction,

Let me go down to the sea.


Let me sit by the immeasurable ocean

And watch the surf

Beating in and running out all day and all night,

Let me sit by the sea

And have the bitter sea winds

Slap my cheeks with their cold, damp hands

Until I am sensible again

Let me look at the sky at night

And let the stars tell me

Of limitless horizons and unknown universes

Until I am grown calm and strong once more

A Lychee For A.E.

Before the ring, before the web 
of beautiful promises,

Love, I give you this:


Stripped to the flesh,

dark rind discarded

like an abbot's robe,


the sleek globe glows

like a paper lantern
in a summer garden.

Clustered on branches

of maturing evergreens
girdled in their groves


that grow fecund,
as colonies of bees 

at their flowers' glands.


Bred for pleasure and
the appetites of an emperor:

Satiated, shut your hand

on my shrunken, bruised

black, heart of stone.



River, be their teacher,

that together they may turn their 

future highs and lows into one hopeful flow

Two opposite shores

feeding from a single source.


Mountain, be their milestone,

that hand in hand they rise above

familiarity's worn tracks

into horizons of their own

Two separate footpaths dreaming of a common peak.


Birdsong, be their mantra,

that down the frail aisles of their days, their twilight hearts twitter morning
and their dreams prove branch enough.


The First Time

The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes,

And the moon and stars were the gifts you gave
To the dark and the empty skies, my love,

The first time ever I kissed your mouth
And felt your heart beat close to mine 

Like the trembling heart of a captive bird
That was there at my command, my love

And the first time ever I lay with you
I felt your heart so close to mine
And I knew our joy would fill the earth
And last till the end of time my love

The first time ever I saw your face.

Wild Awake

People are like cities: We all have alleys and gardens and secret rooftops and places where daisies sprout between the sidewalk cracks, but most of the time all we let each other see is is a postcard glimpse of a skyline or a polished square. Love lets you find those hidden places in another person, even the ones they didn’t know were there, even the ones they wouldn’t have thought to call beautiful themselves.

The Orange

At lunchtime I bought a huge orange

The size of it made us all laugh.

I peeled it and shared it with Robert and Dave

They got quarters and I had a half.


And that orange it made me so happy,

As ordinary things often do

Just lately. The shopping. A walk in the park

This is peace and contentment. It's new.


The rest of my day was quite easy.

I did all my jobs on my list

And enjoyed them and had some time over.

I love you. I'm glad I exist.


Thank you for being my rock when all I know is rock bottom.


You don't tie me down, you hold me down, and that feeling is an honour I've never felt until you came along.


I'm thankful for the beautiful energies that transpired to bring us together.


I think it's safe to say, I believe a little more in magic - because I hoped for this feeling for as long as I could remember.


River, be their teacher,

that together they may turn

their future highs and lows

into one hopeful flow


Two opposite shores

feeding from a single source.


Mountain, be their milestone,

that hand in hand they rise above

familiarity's worn tracks

into horizons of their own

Two separate footpaths

dreaming of a common peak.


Birdsong, be their mantra,

that down the frail aisles of their days,

their twilight hearts twitter morning

and their dreams prove branch enough.

A Weather Forecast

there was a light drizzle when they came together

the two of them, not young, or freshly minted, rather more ‘mature’

carrying rucksacks full of incidents and accidents, hints and allegations


there was a storm when they arrived

in the midst of lives - the known, their own, the others

but souls met,

smiles met,

bodies met,

new coin was forged and bartered


there was a rainbow when they reached their new future

a mixed-up, heads-up, what’s-up future

a true future.

and then the sun was shining when they promised

before us

the vow, the pledge, the pushing-on of rings

we welcomed this meteorological shift

the herald of new beginnings

casting anabatic winds their way to take them

onwards to their highest hopes and dreams


this is your new garden, a whole wide

world of it, so green and songbird fresh,

all yours to map and fill with luminous

constellations of fruit and berry blossoms


this is your new garden, tend it as if

all the young shoots that promise

a succulent harvest of root and ear

will be young and tender for all time


this is your garden, there will always be

much hoeing and raking, the clearing

of weeds and sowing of seeds will ask

patience, attention, forgiving laughter


this is the garden you want to live in, it’s not

all sunshine – there’s moonshine too, all earth

needs storms, but when dark clouds peel back,

see your garden bloom into a universe of stars

From: A North American Indian Marriage Ceremony

FMay the sun bring you new energies by day,

May the moon softly restore you by night.

May the rain wash away any worries you may have

And the breeze blow new strength into your being.

And then, all the days of your life,

May you walk gently through the world

And know its beauty.


Now you will feel not the rain, for each will shelter the other.

Now you will feel not cold, for each will warm the other.

Now you will feel not solitude, for each will company the other.

Now you are two persons, but both will lead one life.

Go now to your dwelling to enter into the days of your li

A Song For Hiawatha 

Come join us in celebration, those who love sunshine on meadow

Who love shadow of the forest,

love the wind among the branches and the palisades of pine trees,

and the thunder in the mountains whose innumerable echoes flap like

eagles in their eries.


Listen to this song of marriage. How, from another tribe and country

came a young man saying, “give me as my wife this maiden, and our

hands be clasped more closely, and our hearts be more united."

Thus it is, our daughters leave us, those we love and those who love us.


When a youth with flaunting feathers beckons to the fairest maiden.

From the sky the sun benignant looked upon them through the branches,

Saying to them, “oh, my children life is chequered shade and sunshine.”

The two figures man and woman Standing hand in hand together, with

their hands so clasped together that they seem in one united. And the

words thus represented are, “I see your heart within you.”


Sing them songs of love and longing

Now, let's feast and be more joyous.

The summer was in our hands

we lay like fallen apples in the grass,

and as we lay intertwined,

it seemed we were endless,

we were drowning in each other,

yet neither called for help,

somehow we had reached Camelot,

the stars came out and blessed us,

we could hear the sea

we searched each other andfound ourselves,

call it love yet it was better than that,

we made each other happen.

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© 2024 by Fleur Mellor


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