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Irish / Celtic

Traditional Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

The rains fall soft upon your fields.


And until we meet again,

May your days be good and long upon the earth.


May you live to see your children's children.


May you be poor in misfortune,

Rich in blessings,

May you know nothing but happiness

From this day forward.

Irish Wedding Blessing

May your mornings bring joy and your evenings bring peace.

May your troubles grow few as your blessings increase.

May the saddest day of your future

Be no worse than the happiest day of your past.


May your home be filled with laughter

May your pockets be filled with gold

And may you have all the happiness

Your Irish heart can hold


May your blessings outnumber

The shamrocks that grow

And may trouble avoid you

Wherever you go


May luck be a friend to ye,

And be with ye in all yer days,

And may trouble be to ye,

A stranger, always.

Celtic Blessing

May the raindrops fall gently on your brow,

May the soft winds freshen your spring,

May the sunshine brighten your hearts,

May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon you

And may you each enfold the other in the mantle of your love

Celtic Blessing

The peace of running water to you.

The peace of the flowing air to you,

The peace of the quiet earth to you,

The peace of the shining stars to you,

And the love and the care of us all to you.


We are the music-makers,

And we are the dreamers of dreams,


Wandering by lone sea-breakers,

And sitting by desolate streams;


World-losers and world-forsakers’

On whom the pale moon gleams:


Yet we are the movers and shakers

Of the world forever, it seems. S

Celtic Blessing from Carmina Gaelic

Each day be joyous to you

No day be grievous to you

Love of each face be yours

A bright flame before thee

A guiding star above thee

A smooth path below thee

Today, tonight and for evermore

A Celtic Invocation

A shade art thou in the heat,

A shelter art thou in the cold,

Eyes art thou to the blind,A staff art thou to the pilgrim,

An island art thou at sea,

A well art thou in the desert,

Health art thou to the ailing.

Thou art the joy of all joyous things

Thou art the light of the beam of the sun

Thou art the door of the chief of hospitality

Thou art the surpassing star of guidance

Thou art the step of the deer of the hill

Thou art the step of the steed of the plain

Thou art the grace of the swan of swimming


Masons, when they start upon a building,

Are careful to test out the scaffolding;

Make sure that planks won’t slip at busy points,

Secure all ladders, tighten bolted joints.

And yet all this comes down when the job’s done

Showing off walls of sure and solid stone.

So if, my dear, there sometimes seem to be

Old bridges breaking between you and me

Never fear. We may let the scaffolds fall

Confident that we have built our wall.

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